Saturday, June 27, 2015


     This past week while waiting  in our local library for copies to be run for a project, I checked out the movie section. With Redbox, Netflix, and cable movies, I forget what a good selection of movies our local library provides.

     One I chose that I really enjoyed, the other afternoon, was "Good Night, and Good Luck." It was about back in the 1950's when Edward R.Murrow along with CBS, took on Senator Joseph McCarthy and the whole Communist scare in this country. George Clooney, Robert Downey Jr., and Frank Langella as Edward R. Morrow all do an excellent job portraying various characters of the time.

      I love period pieces and especially historical and political features that took place during my lifetime and enjoying a look back at clothing, decorating, and even habits of the time. (smoking so much in the office setting. If you want to watch a quality movie check it out! While you are at it, check out your local library if you haven't lately.

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