Tuesday, June 2, 2015


     I always thought it was funny when someone would say that they had been to Woodstock in the 1960's held in upstate New York. Who is going to dispute it?

     After visiting with a lady at the Burg Grocery this past week, she worked into the conversation that she could trace her family to the "Mayflower." Checking it out there were just 102 passengers that came over and the ship was only 80 ft. by 25 or 30 ft. wide. Not very big. You can find the passenger list for verification, but I would never want to embarrass someone telling the story if it was found not to be true. Besides, who is going to dispute it.

     In my lifetime, I have probably met at least three people who indicated their roots go back to the Mayflower. I suppose by the time you multiply out a dozen or more generations of the original families on the ship, it would be into the millions of people who could claim their origins to the Mayflower.

     Gee! My family came over mostly on a shuttle schooner down below with the animals! Most importantly, I am just glad they made it!


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