Tuesday, June 23, 2015


     In researching favorite eateries around the other day I found a clip on the Lake Shore Hotel in Clear Lake Iowa. In sat on the east side of the lake and was one of these old wood constructed  hotels from an era gone by.

      When I was a senior in high school at Laurel, I had the pleasure to have stayed there one night in 1962. Ben Wunn, Tracy Miiller, and I had formed a painting company that summer and at the end of it our reward was to travel and enjoy our fruits of our labor at the great lakes.

     The first night before heading on to Lake Okaboji, we spent some time in Clear Lake and a night's lodging in this old, even at the time, Iowa icon. Two things I remember most about the stay was the heavy rope that was attached by the window and acted as a fire escape method. Secondly, was going down to a certain area to shower. I really don't remember if each room had its own bathroom for other bodily functions. I assume they did. Boy, those were the days!

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