Tuesday, January 17, 2017


      One sin that I never got into or got hooked on during my lifetime was gambling in any form. Oh, on a handful of occasions, I have played a little "black jack" here and there. Never lost more than $25 or $50 at one time. The last time I played it at a floating casino on the Mississippi River, years ago, I actually made $85 and got from the table and cashed in my chips. Had a great meal with it later at the "The Lark" in Tiffin, Iowa. I digress!

       What I don't understand is people that play these scratch tickets on a regular basis and those that really, by outward appearances, don't understand any rhyme or reason to it all. People come into the Burg Grocery and buy them and many times when asked which one just hesitate and point at one. 

       Are most people that astute to know the difference among---Cool Beans, Quick $50, Crossroad, Criss Cross Cash, Black Out Bingo, or 7.11.21. What really gets me is after a winning ticket is run through the little machine it shouts out "Yor're a Winner," even if it just $2 or $3. It should yell out "Sucker--you barely broke even!"

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