Sunday, January 29, 2017


      My final night of celebrating my birthday, Saturday January 28, 2017, included having dinner at "That Place" near Conrad, Iowa, with my sister Doris. Due to the distance from there to my home in Williamsburg, we got an early start. More importantly, On the drive back, like most anyone my age, I wanted to be back home at a "reasonable" time. 

        Therefore, I made our reservation, of course, for 5 PM. To my surprise people were pouring in at that early time. Maybe due to the time of year with people just wanting to get out and very little outdoor activity, it was a hopping place! 

       Breaking with tradition, I decided earlier in the week to not order Prime Rib as usual nor Walleye, both to die for! For some reason a pork chop was calling to me. Well, I wish it hadn't called. I was somewhat disappointed. The chops were smaller in size than I remembered long ago when ordering them, and they were a little on the tough side. 

       The moral to my story is stick to what you like and is a specialty at a given restaurant. Through the years, someone has always tried to  get me to"try something different" or "broaden your tastes!" Phooey! That's the last time I listen to that  little guy that comes out from within me on ocassion and says---"Try something different Dennis!" When it comes to eating, I have to stop listening to him! Up side to the evening. I really enjoyed the time  spent with my big sister, Doris. Priceless! 

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