Saturday, January 28, 2017


      I was asked some time ago if I had ever wrote my memoir. Knowing that I was sure I hadn't, I still looked up the true definition of "memoir." Besides, I have already something over a 1,000 short stories about personal and family related stuff, I wasn't sure where to even begin. 

      After reading perhaps the funniest "memoir" of someone's early childhood, "Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" by Bill Bryson, I decided in my own way I had already accomplished it. My first book of "A Collection of Personal and Family Related Short Stories" which was put together in 2006 still accomplishes best in its somewhat innocent way what I want to convey about at least the first forty or fifty years of my life. 

      I finally concluded why take  the original of something and try to improve on it if it tells the story quite well in the first place. I plan on just putting a new cover my original book and re-title it---"MEMOIR THIS!"  A Collection of Personal etc.   

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