Tuesday, January 24, 2017


     About a week ago, a friend gave me the book "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" by Bill Bryson. My friend knew that I had lived in Des Moines for years and that I have written many stories about my childhood and with a base of humor. 

       She could not have given me a better book to read. I have never read a funnier book in my life with extraordinary detail and exaggeration. This book, in case you have not read it, is a memoir of Bill Bryson's boyhood years growing up in Des Moines, Iowa. 

       It was not only extremely enjoyable reading about a boy's experiences with such humor, it also brought back fond memories for me about a city that I have always called my second home`next to Laurel, Iowa.

       I encourage everyone, especially you seniors, to read this book. You will not stop laughing or chuckling during any paragraph or page of this amazing early years memoir of this Iowa native.  

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