Thursday, January 12, 2017


      This past week I went to my doctor for my quarterly check-up. My numbers were fairly decent, but, I could tell in talking to him at the conclusion of my visit that one major objective on my part was to get my weight down. My weight would be great if I was 6 foot seven. 

        I am not here to tell you that I will get you posted on my "hopefully" last roller coaster ride of a life-time of fighting weight. And, I do know and have always known that being over weight leads to so many other health problems. 

       I asked my doctor if I could come in for my next check-up in 3 months as an incentive to do some`thing serious about losing weight. So, after April 11, 2017, I will report back on my journey of better health, and knowing that with a continued regimen of exercise, I will make it. Hopefully, I will visit with you then on a positive note! 

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