Tuesday, January 31, 2017


       I'm repeating myself on this commercial, but, one worth saying again! Years ago a lady wrote to "Ann Landers" the advice columnist, about her mother who keep telling the same stories over and over again and that she got tired of it. Ann Landers response was that she should be grateful that she had a mother and was still alive.

       My mother told a lot of her stories over and over again and,  yes, some got a little tiresome. Now that I am passing  along probably more stories in writing that anybody will ever want to read, at least I have recorded them in my own way. 

       I wish I would have at least kept a list of all her stories or at least some of her best. Even though I remember many, the mind has a way of forgetting over time. My advice to anyone listening is at least keep a list of your favorite stories and/or other family members for future  generations.  

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