Saturday, January 28, 2017


      After reading probably the funniest book ever, "Life & Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" by Bill Bryson, I was reminded of those winter days at Laurel Consolidated School and preparing to go out to recess as a young kid. From the prospective of now, it seems nearly impossible how we were able to do it.

        Thinking all we went through with mittens, snow pants, overshoes, caps, and any other clothing gear for a twenty minute jaunt  around the playground, seems ludicrous! It was a pure miracle that more "stuff" was misplaced and/or lost in that exercise of that childhood insanity. How did the teachers keep their cool then or even now. 

       If I were considering a career in teaching the really younger kids, I would be packing my bags and heading to Arizona or anywhere where in the winter all that is needed for outdoor play is a maybe a light weight jacket! On just the above recess ritual , teachers are way underpaid.  

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