Monday, September 5, 2016


**Mrs, Cecil Rogers was at Marshalltown Tuesday.

**Tobias Stonewall was at Gilman on business Friday.

** J. W. Ellsworth of Grinnell was in town Friday 
interviewing friends.

**Rev. Gallagher and mother arrived Saturday
with their household effects and will soon be settled in 
the parsonage.
**Cecil Rogers and R. Kohler arrived home Saturday 
from a trip to Milestone,Canada, where the latter
purchased one and half sections of land and will probably
become subject of King Edward.

**Courtland McBroom left Tuesday for Iowa City
to enter the state hospital, where he will undergo an oper-
ation upon his knee cap, which has caused him much 
discomfort all summer. He was accompanied by Dr. L.W.

**Foreman McNally, who has been undergoing treatment 
for stomach trouble at St. Thomas hospital in Marshalltown
thepast two weeks, returned home Wednesday. His condition
is not as satisfactory as his friends might wish.

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