Wednesday, September 28, 2016


      Just this past week I am reminded about writing one's life story in an article about Bruce Springsteen and his recent release of his life story. An autobiography, life story, or memoir can, for most of us,  be an overwhelming task.For most of us it could be very difficult to sit down and start in---"My first memory was when I was three and-----!"

       Shortly, after I began writing personal and family related short stories years ago, I came across an article written by a Pulitzer winning poet and author Ted Koosner. He basically said that  if considering writing short personal stories, one should begin with short "vignettes" and then eventually putting them in a chronological order. Writing one's life story all at one time can be "daunting." 

       Someday I do intend to write some type or form of "memoir or autobiography,  but, in the mean-time I will continue to write short personal stories and I would advise that to most of you giving it a shot. Remember one of my favorite sayings in writing--- "HOW DO YOU EAT THE ELEPHANT?" "ONE BITE AT A TIME!"  

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