Thursday, September 8, 2016


     A fellow came into the Burg Grocery this past week and asked if you could buy beer in individual cans. He mentioned that some function he was attending was BYOB. His comment was that he only drinks one or two beers a year. I wish I could have done that when I was a younger man.

       It did remind me on occasion when I would go out to dinner with my mom and stepdad. If it was a fairly nice place and maybe a special occasion, my mother would order a "cocktail!" Most always she would turn to my step-dad and asked him what she had the last time she had an alcoholic drink with dinner. He would usually say something like a "Whiskey Sour or CC Seven." I always thought it was cute and looking back I only wish I could have drank so infrequently that I forgot what it was! 

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