Thursday, September 22, 2016


      Someone mentioned this past week at the Burg Grocery about the art of pouring salt into a beer and the possible reasoning. Of course, in popped an old memory.

        When I was a young boy, on occasion in the summer during hay baling or combining oats, I would accompany my Uncle Paul (Laverty) or Uncle Tommy(Laverty) to the tavern in Laurel, run by Hank Miiller, to pick up "refreshments" for themselves and the hired men. 

        One thing that always fascinated me was seeing a guy drinking this big schooner of ice cold beer and from time to time shaking some salt into it and watching those bubbles rise. I am not sure I ever really knew why they did it, but, found it almost hypnotizing. I have read all sorts of reasons why it was done, but, the one I buy in to the most was-- to simply maintain the head on the beer. -No matter, I thought it was cool and created a fond memory! 

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