Tuesday, April 21, 2015


      After reading a column under the Iowa review by Carroll McKibbin entitled "Remembering Bad Hair Days" in the Des Moines Register, it brought back my own fond memories of haircut memories in my younger days.

     The 1950's and up until the British invasion was quite an innovative time for men's hair.  Also, when John Kennedy became president in the early 1960's, he did not wear a hat and sported longer hair. The times were changing.

    But, prior to that time butch wax and hair tonic were a part of every guys morning arsenal. You needed these products to either slick it back or keep it up. During my teens, I had at one time, my hair long on the sides with a ducktail in back, then also, flattop with it long on the sides, just a plain flattop, and for good measure one time with it combed forward with a waterfall down the forehead and long on the sides. Ah! Those were the days.

      Then it all came to an end. The Beatles came over and a lot of barbers went broke. The haircut experience after that era will be for another time.  Stay tuned!

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