Sunday, April 26, 2015


      When I was a just an infant my hair was very curly. The story goes that someone mentioned "What a cute little girl"! Once my dad heard that he announced that it was time for my hair to be cut.

      The guy that got the job was a barber in Laurel named Ernie Lawrence. He was located in or around the old hotel on the west side of Main Street. My memory always had it further north on Main Street, but, how good is a little kids memory any way.

     The story goes that somebody must have gotten upset with Ernie so from there I was taken to a barber shop in Marshalltown. I do remember for years going to the barber shop located in the Masonic Temple Building  on the first floor right in front. There were two brothers, Red and George, that owned it with at least two other chairs and barbers.

        I was taken to this shop until I got into high school and then found my own shop. (See story-Carload and a Haircut.) One thing I do have fond memories of the Masonic Temple was getting a Coke out of the pop machine, turning that lever, and watching that 6.5 oz. glass bottle come out for only 5 cents!!!

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