Thursday, April 30, 2015


     A lady at the Burg Grocery had just purchased two bags of potting soil the other day and then mentioned that there was nothing better than getting her hands in that dirt! Maybe second best I thought to myself.

     When I was a young boy, I can vividly recall a lane or path that led from the enclosed barn-yard area out to a field just west then north of that area. From the constant pressure of tractor, wagon, and various farm machinery on that lane, it always had a very soft dirt build-up.

      After a spring or summer rain, it was always a pleasure to walk that lane bare foot and feel the pure soil squeeze gently between my toes. I think of those moments often!  

Sunday, April 26, 2015


      When I was a just an infant my hair was very curly. The story goes that someone mentioned "What a cute little girl"! Once my dad heard that he announced that it was time for my hair to be cut.

      The guy that got the job was a barber in Laurel named Ernie Lawrence. He was located in or around the old hotel on the west side of Main Street. My memory always had it further north on Main Street, but, how good is a little kids memory any way.

     The story goes that somebody must have gotten upset with Ernie so from there I was taken to a barber shop in Marshalltown. I do remember for years going to the barber shop located in the Masonic Temple Building  on the first floor right in front. There were two brothers, Red and George, that owned it with at least two other chairs and barbers.

        I was taken to this shop until I got into high school and then found my own shop. (See story-Carload and a Haircut.) One thing I do have fond memories of the Masonic Temple was getting a Coke out of the pop machine, turning that lever, and watching that 6.5 oz. glass bottle come out for only 5 cents!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015


      This past week, I was blazing a trail down I-80  and as usual playing some of my favorite stash of "oldies" full blast and singing along to some. One of life's little pleasures.

     No matter how you feel about Michael Jackson, one of my favorite tunes is "Thriller" from one of the best albums ever. My favorite thing about this classic is toward the end when Vincent Price does his hideous laugh and on one cut say's "Can You Dig It"?  Yes! I still THINK I can!


      This past week, I was washing windows at a long time customer in Marshalltown, Iowa. The home was new within the last ten years or so and is considered a ranch style. Most cities have a law or ordinance that if you have a bedroom in the basement level, you have to have a second means of egress or way out.  

    Like so many homes and this particular one, it has the window with the well built out. However, it is straight up with about six foot or so to ground level. Did I say straight up with a poured concrete wall in this case. 

     If there was a fire, and I was down in that room, once I got out into that tight area, I wouldn't be tall enough to reach up to ground level. Even if I jumped up, it is doubtful I would have the strength to pull myself up and out. I have seen some that are layered up so at least you could get your toes into the tapered stair steps up. With the later, it would be bye bye Dennis.


     This past Thursday, I stayed the night with my sister in Gilman,Iowa. Friday morning we drove up to LeGrand and had breakfast at the Sunrise Cafe. It's an O.K. local eatery that specializes in its large portions with fairly decent food. 

      I had ordered eggs, sunny side up with a sausage pattie, and pancakes. My order came on the plate with the eggs and sausage laid on top of the pancakes. I want my food spread out. Not because I have a problem with it all touching, but, just want the eggs and sausage on a separate plate. I don't want the egg yolk to necessarily run into the pancake. Besides, I like to alternate eating my selections off of different plates. Oh and you don't have quirky rituals you perform at meal time. 

      It's probably why I am not a big fan of skillet meals. The next thing they will come up with is putting it all in a blender!!!!!!!!!! I did enjoy my time and company of my big sister. Sometimes I can catch her just rolling her eyes at me.   

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


      Here is something I had not seen in nearly three years while working at the Burg Grocery. A lady picked up a neck tie which had been dry cleaned. (The store acts as a drop off location for a dry cleaning concern in Marengo.) That was all she got and the charge was $6.50 total with $4.50 for cleaning and a $1.50 for delivery fee. 

       In this day and age of not seeing many men wearing ties, especially in this rural, German, frugal, farm community, then to see one dry cleaned just seemed odd. P.S. It wasn't that cool of a tie either!


      The other day at work the oldies station was playing "Play That Funky Music White Boy" by Wild Cherry from the late 1970's Disco era and one of my favorites. But, for some reason the phrase Movin to the Groovin hit me funny. I can't imagine walking up to someone today or even back then and saying "I was movin to the groovin"! I know! I live in a funny little world!


      In this morning's Des Moines Register was a good comment that caught my eye under the "2 Cents Worth" column. 

          "Folks 74 years old with a clean driving record renew their license for two years. Folks 18-24 with the statistically worst driving record can renew for eight years. That's unfair age discrimination." 
                             ---Mario Andretti wannabe


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


         Once some of the guys in my class of 1962 could drive, we started heading to Marshalltown after school from Laurel for our weekly haircut. Yes, I said weekly. 

          The place to get that flattop or butch was called Stan's. For a period of time he was located on East Main Street adjacent to the Orpheum Theater and before that was located on south Center Street next to the Presbyterian Church. 

     In those days, a haircut would cost around $1.00 to $1.50 range. One funny story that was passed along by classmate, Jerry Roberts, pertained to another classmate, Tracy Miiller. On one occasion, Tracy proceeded to tell a dirty joke and Stan tried to wave Tracy off from telling the story to no avail. Soon after, a Methodist minister got up from the chair or maybe a priest! 
     One thing worth remembering about Stan's was about his invention. He supposedly had a patent pending on a metal rail device that mounted on the back of the barber's chair. The barber then could set sheers on the rail and with the customer holding his head steady, a real straight cut could be made for a flattop haircut.

      One problem evolved. Within a short time the long hair look came into play with the British invasion, Vietnam War, and Kennedy's longer hair as President. As they say timing is everything!



      After reading a column under the Iowa review by Carroll McKibbin entitled "Remembering Bad Hair Days" in the Des Moines Register, it brought back my own fond memories of haircut memories in my younger days.

     The 1950's and up until the British invasion was quite an innovative time for men's hair.  Also, when John Kennedy became president in the early 1960's, he did not wear a hat and sported longer hair. The times were changing.

    But, prior to that time butch wax and hair tonic were a part of every guys morning arsenal. You needed these products to either slick it back or keep it up. During my teens, I had at one time, my hair long on the sides with a ducktail in back, then also, flattop with it long on the sides, just a plain flattop, and for good measure one time with it combed forward with a waterfall down the forehead and long on the sides. Ah! Those were the days.

      Then it all came to an end. The Beatles came over and a lot of barbers went broke. The haircut experience after that era will be for another time.  Stay tuned!


     ON September 20th of this year will be a  race as part of the Nascar  circuit to be held in Joliet, Illinois at the Chicagoland Speedway. Why is this such a big deal, Dennis?

      For years, starting in the mid 1970's, I attended every year the Indy 500 on Memorial Day week-end until the early 1990's. The story behind how I got started going and became enthused is for another time. 

      For years, I have wanted to attend a "big" time Nascar race just to experience all its glory and well just to say I did it. One thing I know for sure is that until you experience those machines coming at you at 200 plus mph, you haven't seen or experienced it all.

        To make sure I go, I will be ordering the tickets shortly and then there will be no way not to go. Besides, Williamsburg is only a little over 3 hours away. I'll let you know how it turned out this fall. I didn't say my "bucket list" included a trip to Paris, but, I am getting excited just the same!

Monday, April 20, 2015


     Yesterday when I waiting for my pizza at the local bar and grill, I overheard one of the biker/patrons talk about his latest haircut. The guy was about as bald as a cue ball and sported only a rather lengthy "goatee."

    He mentioned that if shaves the "hair ring" remaining on top too closely his cap  will simply fly off when riding on his Harley. If he lets it grow out a little then the hair acts like Velcro and keeps his cap on. What you can pick up when you just listen!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


       Sometimes when I actually give it some thought, I think about how drastic clothing fashion has changed in my lifetime. Especially, when you live in a small rural town where seeing someone in a suit with or without a tie is the absolute exception.

      When I worked at an insurance company office for seven years in the late 1960's and just barely out of college, suit & tie for men was the norm. It does, today, seem rather absurd to sit around for eight hours every day doing paper work and no we didn't have computers. 

      Yes, we would sit there all day with a long sleeve shirt with a tie tightly around the neck. O.K. we could take off our suit jackets, but, the pants were still a blend of wool and not comfy cotton blend slacks of today. Also, men wore heavy brogue type shoes with leather soles.

       Probably the best thing that happened to men's fashion was when the computer nerds, back in the 1980's and later, decided that it didn't make sense to sit around all day and in to the night in total discomfort. That was about the time Gap came on the scene and offered comfortable leisure clothes. 

      It is funny, to some degree, that formal or traditional men's clothing stores did not see the trend coming and kept trying to jam the suit and tie look down everyone's throat. A lot of them went out of business or had to merge. 

      The next time I have to attend a funeral or wedding, I am not going to worry about going out and buying a "suit" with or without a tie. Just maybe, I will take one of my shirts to the cleaners for a little starch and a descent pair of khaki's.  


      In a small town it doesn't take much to get everyone buzzing about something new. This one involves almost everyone's favorite food item-Pizza! This small Burg already has two excellent pizza sources- Casey's and the hometown favorite-The Pizza Haus. The Pizza Haus compares to my old hometown favorite in Marshalltown, Iowa-Zeno's!

      Now we have a very good third choice. You can find it at the Sundown Bar & Grill right uptown just off the Williamsburg square. After hearing from a half dozen sources, including a grandson, that this pizza was good, it was time to check it out. 

     The Sundown installed a new wood burning brick oven on it's outside patio. The waitress that waited on me took me out to show me the new addition and informed me that because it burns so hot that a pizza can be completed in less than five minutes. I got it to go and while waiting was able to watch the Cubs defeat the Padres in eleven innings. Go Cubs! Before I could blink the boxed up pizza was ready for me to take it home.

     My half was just pepperoni and I mean fresh big slices of it. The cheese was extra greasy  like Zeno's, possibly due to using provolone cheese. We both gave it a definite thumbs up and will no doubt give it a try again. But, in fairness to the other pizza sources in town, I will not try to compare or rank. They are all good in there own way. 

       Remembering how fast the pizza was ready, brought back a memory of sitting at Zeno's back in the 1960's, and thinking nothing of it waiting a half hour for the pie! 


       It's way to early to predict the outcome of the 2016 election, but, here is something to watch as it unfolds. This has to do with Grandma Clinton and the bevy or throng of Republican candidates starting to merge and right out of the shoot attacking her on the E-mail and the Benghazi issues.

      It will be interesting to watch this conservative bunch  and how the public and opinion polls react to the attacks that will no doubt be endless. Say what you will about the past of anyone, most of us have short memories. It is the American way to root for the underdog. If everybody starts picking on her too hard and not focusing on what they can do themselves, look out!

       A recent opinion poll showed that a high percentage of those interviewed had a low opinion of trust for Clinton. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Let the Games begin! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


      If you belong to a social organization, church group, or local genealogy chapter, and are looking for a speaker from time to time keep me in mind. I have taught Creative Writing classes for colleges and various groups in the Central Iowa area on motivating, especially seniors, on writing personal and family related short stories.

       I try to make it fun and attempt to motivate in getting started with those family treasures waiting to come out and be documented. I have had stories published and have several books printed with short stories from the past and present. To get an idea of some of my writings and techniques check out my Blog site: You can  email me @ or call or text me @ 319-330-8818. 


      With the beautiful summer like day we experienced yesterday, Thursday, was one not to squander. And, I did not. I had mentioned to a fellow employee that I was going to do something outside even if it was wrong.

      One of my local tipsters advised me to give a nearby park a try and that I did with splendid results. The destination was the F. W. Kent Park in Johnson County. I drove north from Williamsburg and drove east on highway 6 along the scenic Amana corridor. It is located about 2 or 3 miles just east of Oxford.

      I was not disappointed. The small lake lies and tucked in among beautiful rolling natural grass and trees. It has a sand beach area on the east side for swimming and a walk way that circles the entire lake with periodic park benches along the way. One could tell immediately that the park has been well maintained and trees and other amenities are being added and updated. Other words, it is being looked after. 

     One thing that really added to the charm of this lake was the few ornate Pony style Iron bridges that are included in the pathway system around the lake. These are really cool! If you are looking for boating, it is not allowed, but, fishing is. If you are looking for peace and quiet on a beautiful spring day with an occasional call from a pheasant or a pair of geese, check it out along with your venture into Amish Country.


Last night at the grocery store,  I filled in for one of the high school kids as this is Prom week-end. I remind you, as most comedians do, one does not have to make things up, when there is good material out there to be observed.

     It was right after the supper hour and four rather "plus size" ladies came into the store and proceeded to head back for a little shopping I assumed. The next thing I knew they all were at the check-out counter. One lady paid for this single package of romaine lettuce. Period. And, then they left as quickly as they had arrived. I swear I did not make this up! Honest!


       There was a young mother in the Burg Grocery this past week with her daughter of about two years old. The daughter had these gorgeous blue eyes that you could almost see through. I mentioned that we used to call them "Paul Newman Eyes." Of course, the mother did not have a clue who Paul Newman was or that his company is still pedaling  salad dressing with his picture on it.

       A lady right behind the young mother knew who Paul Newman was. Oh Ya! When his name was mentioned, her eyes really lit up. As a matter of fact, her eyes sort of glazed over while she mentioned of having a dream about him at one time. I wanted to asked about the details of the dream, but, even I know better than that.

Friday, April 17, 2015


  1. Improve my diabetic status.
  2. Remove me from obesity classification.
  3. Overall just feel better
  4. Putting socks on easier.
  5. Touching toes and/or floor with flat of hand.
  6. Much easier to get up off floor.
  7. Moving down a pant size-maybe two.
  8. Overcoming shyness easier!
  9. Keeping up w/ friend Tony who plays softball!
  10. Only one problem. Keeping young girls away!


      Sometimes it gets old getting old! The other day while helping someone out with their groceries, there was a large group of birds congregating in a nearby tree all just chattering away.

     I made a comment about the "Birds" and how they might attack or whatever. Of course, the couple, probably in their 40's, did not have a clue that I was referring to the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock terrifying movie. What really hurts sometimes is for some younger person to say they saw it and didn't think is was scary, but, also just plain dumb! Oh Well!


    In many ways I am old school because you guessed it-I'm considered old. One thing I still can't quite get away from is taking a few clothing items to the dry cleaners on occasion. It all goes back to when I was first married and my wife then would iron one dress shirt every morning for me. I was used to and spoiled by my mother, who would have a weeks worth of shirts ironed and ready to go.

     After a period of this with my wife, and,  no it didn't dawn on me to iron my own shirts, I started taking them to a nearby cleaners. Then, I didn't have to decide what color I wanted on a particular day. I could choose from several.

       The city "sharped dressed man"mentality has stuck with me pretty much most of my life. Even though the last 20 or so years I  have not needed clothes pressed or dry cleaned  to at least work in. I know our society has become more laid back and casual, but, once in a while I still like to put on some duds that are pressed to perfection. Especially now  with losing a little weight, it becomes an added motivator of feeling better and looking better. At least as much as an old guy can!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


    The other day I was assisting an older lady, I use the term lightly, out with her groceries and the following event went down hill in a hurry. She preceeded me out the door, but, was pushing the cart  she had used while shopping in the store. Thinking maybe she just forgot to "park it" in a certain area, which a lot of people do as most grocery stores you do take out your own groceries then you put the cart in a certain area.

     So I just brought it to her attention and she quickly turned and parked it. She mentioned to me that she was going to return it? She did have an oxygen bag and etc. so I assumed she wanted it for added support besides her cane or---.

    As we were walking to her car, she reminded me that we did not have a motorized riding cart that most stores do. I indicated that we were just a small store and besides the isles were too narrow anyway.

      And then, she turned to me and said that I was the only person that had ever told her she couldn't take a cart out the store. What?  Sometimes, you just take a big deep breath and keep on sailing along and singing a song.  Lesson. There are those who for what ever reasons have it much worse than thee.


      Years ago when starting out selling real estate in the Des Moines area, it seemed I was always running all the time to get things done and not practicing time management very well.

        A lady, Rose Babcock, a very successful Realtor that worked in my office, indirectly showed me the light.  While I normally ran around town getting signatures from individuals on real-estate deals, she would simply have the person or persons come in to the office and have them sign an offer at their convenience. She learned to get others to do the running, while she sat in her office and drummed up more business.

      I learned from another young man who was a customer buying a townhouse and worked for A. T. & T. They taught the habit of taking notes and making up to-do lists. To this day, I still make up a list of things I want to accomplish even though in semi-retirement the list usually is not that long. No matter. If something does not get done, finished, or bought at the grocery store, it gets put on for tomorrow. Once it is written down, I no longer have to worry about it or forget it.

      Even with my funny little stories, if I get an idea at work or the course of the day, I write it on a piece of paper, take it home and post the story idea on the "draft" section of my Blog site. We may be getting older, but, we need to do things smarter!


     This past week, a friend from Marshalltown came down for a visit and we enjoyed the day having lunch, catching up on local news and showing off our our fair city. This friend had mentioned on arriving and telling a couple of interesting and funny family stories, that this person might get into genealogy.

      Thinking about that statement and knowing what a big task it can be tracing family and so forth, I began to wonder what advice you would give to someone starting out. Besides, my standard saying with writing personal and family related stories is always as follows. How do you eat the elephant? One bite a time. Also, knowing that when I started writing several years ago and wanted to bring family members to life with stories, the best person to begin with was myself.

     That same afternoon, I was up-town Williamsburg and was cleaning the windows for the Iowa County Historical Society. After I was done, I asked Rita, the Director there, what her advice would be to someone wanting to get started in genealogy.To my pleasant surprise, her answer was the same. Start with yourself and work back. She also mentioned that she has always been more interested in events that have happened here rather than trying to do much tracing to Europe. 

     Just remember! By the time you write stories about the past and a great niece or great-gran-daughter is interested some day, probably 50-100 years will have past. A relative of yours will think that the 1990's were oh so long ago!


      Last winter a lady, that  I helped out with her groceries at the Burg Grocery, was complaining because that particular morning she had to scrape her windshield before going out for the day. My reply was, "well if that's the worst thing that happens to you this week consider yourself lucky."

     This past week-end we stopped by the local Mickey's D's and picked up a sandwich to take home after a softball tournament in Iowa City. On arriving home, I realized that I forgot to order fries after setting out the bottle of ketchup. That evening, I had made a small box of chocolate pudding and told Ilah she could eat this bowl of pudding as we had shared the first one earlier that evening. 

      In the middle of the night and checking the refrigerator for the pudding it was GONE! I didn't think she took me seriously. Two bad food encounters in one day! Oh My! The upside to this dumb little story is  I reached my diet goal the following day. Yes. It could have been a lot worse!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


     Finally! It took me nearly two months, but, my first goal on my weight loss program has finally been achieved. The last three pounds was a the toughest. I never thought I would shed those last little troublemakers. 

     That twenty pounds I never want to see again and hopefully the next ten and probably last will not be as difficult. But, I am not going to give up. I had sat out a pair of my favorite straight leg jeans that are a size down and have hung them on my clothes closet as a reminder. I can now wear them.

     The moral of the story is not to ever give up. One example for me was to be able to make my favorite butterscotch pudding and then once that yummy crust had formed, to only eat two spoons full and put the rest back in the refrigerator. Willpower baby! Willpower! 


      While on my weight loss journey, I did look up how many calories one can lose by walking one mile. I discovered that an average 200 pound person can walk off approx. 115 calories in that one mile. Since, I walk two miles each morning, it is refreshing to know that I am able to shed a candy bar in the process. Somehow that image encourages me in my fight to feel better.


      In my lifetime I have probably lost 1.000 pounds or so it seems. If ever there was a poster boy for how not to eat then going on a diet to lose it all, I am your guy. Man do I love to eat. It is a miracle that I don't weigh 300-400 pounds instead of fighting to sneak below the 200 lb.level.

      One thing that I maintain that the so-called experts will disagree on  is weighing oneself daily. For me, I must weigh daily to stay motivated. If on any particular day I am up 1 or even two pounds, Then I know what I must do that day or the next. You have to keep your eye on the ball and know at all times your progress or not.

   If you only weigh once a week and you find yourself up five pounds you may find yourself in a dilemma.I would rather deal with one pound at a time rather than five. I would rather be a little disappointed daily than be in for a shocker at the end of week, especially if you just weighed on a Saturday morning and the week-end is ahead. Oh Boy! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


      Years ago when I was a younger man, there was a group of us that had season tickets to the Hawkeye football games. At different times we would talk about when we were older and retired, we would buy a house on or just off Melrose Ave. just south of the stadium.

      From there, even if it was a rental or one of lived in it, we could park our friends cars in the yard like they still do and PARTY! This almost came true.

      Today I live in Williamsburg and it is only a hop, skip, and a jump to Iowa City. Maybe it is not like living right next to my favorite fall pastime, but, the next best thing. I can get up, drive to Coralville, get on the Hawkeye Express , and,  be at Kinnick Stadium in 10 minutes. After the game, I can be back in the Burg by three thirty in the afternoon. That wish worked out pretty well.  

Monday, April 13, 2015


      Let this serve as a reminder that Spring is upon us, especially with a few showers this past week. If you have never checked this out in your in-state trips, give it serious thought.

      A few years ago about this time, it dawned on me that Spring would be a really pretty time to visit areas that normally we travel to in the fall. An example would be northeast Iowa, especially up around McGregor, Iowa along the Mississippi River.

      On this particular occasion, something told me to check out the Decorah area. I was not disappointed. The trip was timed when everything in the early Spring is just at its peak with all the various shades of glorious green. For openers, I would rank Decorah right up there with Pella in terms of quaintness and cleanliness. 

       The area north of the city along the Upper Iowa River is breathtaking with its hugging rock cliffs. So close to home, it is worth the two or three hour drive from central Iowa. And, if you have the time keep heading east, much scenic beauty awaits you in our beautiful state. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


The Johnny& May Smith Laverty with Families Photo Collection is now complete with some minor editing yet to be done. With the assistance of Sarah Witte right here in Williamsburg, the" 500" plus photo collection is finally complete. Each photograph will have names along with pictures and a list of each family, Smith and Laverty, along with birth and death dates including place of burial. 

      The photos are a personal collection of nearly seventy years or four generations of family photographs dating back as early as the 1880's and through the early 1960's. Many of the photos include when my dad  was only a  young boy in the 1910's and 1920's. 

     After receiving a price per book from Minute Man Printing in Marshalltown, I will let all know that may have interest in obtaining this photo journey of two families during the first half of the Twentieth Century. Based on passed materials being printed by them, the cost should not exceed the $15.00 range.

      Even though this may not include your family, it is always fascinating and interesting to go back in time and check out clothing fashions and hair styles of the day along with the old automobiles, farm machinery and farm buildings and much more.

      Remember what they say! It's O.K. to visit the past as long as you come back! Stay tuned!


     Yesterday, I went to Iowa City with family to watch my gran-daughter, Jenna, play in her first softball tournament. The team is made up of local young girls from Williamsburg and play with the name Blaze and are pretty much in the nine year old range.

      What is always fun is to witness  the changes from one year to the next as these young kids grow and mature. It only seems like yesterday when these young ladies were throwing the ball every where but to where it was suppose to go. It only seems like the blink of an eye when some of them were just standing in the infield or outfield and paying more attention to a bird flying over or what their shoes looked like.

      Yesterday, I enjoyed a throw from the shortstop to the first baseman with such accuracy, I thought I was attending a high school game. My gran-daughter, Jenna, got up to the plate and jacked one out deep and enabled two to score. I do miss and in some ways wish I could preserve the earlier times. But, I have always said it is so exciting to watch the changes in our kids lives. I really wouldn't  want it any other way.

Friday, April 10, 2015


      Recently I attended the Williamsburg grade school annual musical. Most of the musical numbers were from Broadway musicals from years ago.

      It got me thinking about the first live Broadway musical that I witnessed at the old KRNT Theater in downtown Des Moines on  8th & Mulberry back in the 1960's. It was the Music Man and starred Burt Parks. The same man that hosted the Miss America Pageant for years.

     I had purchased really good seats in the fifth row or so and was almost too close as the stage sat so high. I fell in love with live performances of this sort due to the singing and especially the choreography. 

       With the opening scene taking place in a train passenger car with all the salesmen singing their lines, it was a wow! And, when the train slowed coming into the station, they all reacted together when the train jerked to a stop. I was hooked.

      I have seen lots of Broadway shows in my lifetime, but, my favorite all time for just pure enjoyment would be Mama Mia! If you ever get the chance see it!  But, The Music Man started it all!


      The same lady that I visited with concerning funeral meals, somehow managed to tell me that every day at lunch she and her husband have meat, potatoes, and a vegetable. Every day! When they go out, however, to eat they will try other things. Her husband does not like "Mexican" food. Sounds about right! Living in this area of lots of German ancestry, it is not uncommon to run into people that don't care for Oriental, seafood, or south-of-the-border cuisine. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


     The other day a lady stopped at the Burg Grocery to purchase food items for a recent funeral in the community. On the way out it was mentioned about the yummy food usually provided at these events, at least in the smaller towns.

      I mentioned how disappointed I was years ago while attending a cousin's funeral in Marshalltown. Before going, I had not had lunch, but, knew that after the funeral there would be a lunch served. So I assumed. Not today. Only a few dessert items were provided. I was so disappointed and at the same time how selfish of me and probably disrespectful in my thinking.

     I guess I am still old school and look forward to occasions when those that still can serve those wonderful home made delights are still with us and have the time.


     I was in the same convenience store one day, but, on this occasion, it was just me and a cute elderly lady ahead of me. No clerk was to be found. 

      After a few long seconds, the lady turned to me and said: "I don't think they know we are here." From there I copied a bit from the Seinfeld show years ago. It was when Kramer pounded on the table and went "Yelp" to attempt to get Joe DiMaggio's attention in their favorite local restaurant.

     I said to the lady behind me "watch this." I walked up to the counter and pounded on it a couple of times! That did the trick. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!


      A few days ago, I had asked someone at the Burg Grocery if they had ever been to or through Le Claire, Iowa. If you have traveled on Interstate 80 and crossed the Mississippi River then you have at least seen the sign as Le Claire is the last exist and town on the Iowa side. 

      I ended up asking four or five other employees about Le Claire and all had either never been there or maybe had heard of it, but, were not sure where it was. I made the wrong assumption that simply living in eastern Iowa one would know where all these "hot" little Burgs were or had been there.

     All of sudden, I felt like a world traveler. In my lifetime, I have been fortunate to have visited most all states in the U.S.A. and our neighbors to the south and north. Also, at different times have visited and explored most all of this beautiful state. I assumed most everyone else shared my passion of traveling. I guessed wrong. 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015


      One of my "Golden Years" pleasures is traveling and discovering new territory close to home. Recently, one of my tipsters from Marshalltown told me about an eatery on the edge of Princeton, Iowa. This is small town just north of Le Claire on the Mississippi River. 

     The name of the place is called the Go Fish. It sits right on the river  and was built up in case of flooding. The view was fantastic and although they were not serving out on the outdoor patio area, we were allowed to take our food out and enjoy the beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon the day before Easter.

     At least the day was not wasted with the view and glorious sunshine. All I can say is the food was second rate and very disappointing. The upside was that the Tastee Freez down the street served fantastic ice-cream just like the Tastee Freez once did in Marshalltown on south Center Street. Matter of fact that little place was packed with a whopping dozen people, all enjoying what appeared to be juicy burgers or tenderloins and with a great view of the river across the street. Will visit here next time.

      What's the old saying about when one window closes another window will open? It sure was nice to get out of Dodge for the afternoon. Remember! You can't win them all.


      It seems that I've always had a problem keeping my mouth shut! Sometimes that can be a bad thing- sometimes not. Let's see which person you are.

      On this particular day, I was in line at a local convenience store after purchasing a favorite beverage. The line was really long. It was at least eight deep Oh! Did I mention I'm also impatient?

      This particular chain had really gotten into lots of prepared food and it obviously takes more labor to prepare all this food. Other words, not enough help. What's new. 

     Old Dennis had waited long enough! I blurted: "Long Line!" That did get their attention! Why call these places "Quick Whatever" if you have to wait forever.! A cute little old lady ahead of me turned and said: "I wish I could have said that." 


      When we first moved to Williamsburg, I observed an elderly man, yes older than me, walking downtown on a  fairly nice spring day. However, he was dressed like it was 20 below zero- heavy boats, long wool coat, and a hat with ear muffs. 

       This past winter, I walk every morning about 25 minutes around the high school area. When it was extremely cold and windy, I kept toasty with my Elmer Fudd- Hunter's cap, heavy gloves, and a scarf wrapped around my face like a kindergarten kid. 

      As it got nicer this spring, it was difficult to shed my winter garb/protection for lighter gear. I guess I now have become that old man that I had made fun of that winter day.

      It was difficult, but, I am now walking with a light jacket, baseball hat and NO gloves. It was some what difficult!



      Why do some old men think they have to wear a belt and suspenders! Never did understand that!


     "What does a male bear and the World Series have in common? No Cubs!"

Thursday, April 2, 2015


     This past week while in Marshalltown, I stopped in to check out the new Haley's on north 3rd Avenue. Wow!  What used to be a grocery store and deli for decades is now a remade restaurant and deli along with catering. 

     I have always been a big fan of theirs as I think their broasted chicken is the very best as is their ribs and most all their salad lines. If you feel as I do and are a Laurel Alumnus,  plan on coming to the school reunion in June. You will be treated to some of the best food in Marshall County.