Monday, November 7, 2016


       Through the years, I have never been one to read or watch all the hype before a sporting event. Who cares if the quarterback has a hang-nail on his "pinkie!" During the Super Bowl the pre-game stuff goes on for hours. 

        The same can be said for this Election season. It just goes on and on. Polls, Polls, and more Polls. Then there is the Poll of Polls. But, to be honest for some reason I eat all this hype that is going on up! I love listening to all the yelling and screaming on the likes of CNN and MSNBC. Most of these are liking watching debates that have gotten way out of control.  

         Some are out right "cat fights" and it always is great when "your guy" gets the best of the commentator! Actually the final tally Tuesday night or into the wee hours could actually be a let-down either way. As far as I am concerned my life will go on either way and it won't affect my daily life to any great extent. As my mother used to say: "Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose!" 

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