Monday, November 7, 2016


       The likes of Hillary Clinton reminds me of years ago when a contestant on the Miss America contest would answer a question like:  "I would like to bring peace to the world and end all hunger!" She thinks or pretends to tell us that if she wins this election we will all stand around in this huge circle and sing "What the World Needs Now Is Love -------!! Tell that to those around the world like North Korea, China, ISIS and other extremist groups that hate us and maybe throw in a half dozen or so other dictators around the world.

       I think one has to be a realist. Another thing, I don't and never will buy into the Liberal Agenda of helping and really coming up with some solid solutions to problems in our inner cities. For minorities, buying into this hoax, election after election, is like Lucy telling Charlie Brown she won't take the football away! She always does! This isn't a perfect world and I think most of us realize it. Don't think anything of it if I don't join in at the campfire!


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