Thursday, November 10, 2016


       Someone at the Burg Grocery yesterday was telling about her brother's birthday coming up but couldn't remember how old he was going to be. Yep! Back I went!

        I was 46 years old back in 19??? and my birthday was coming up shortly. For some reason when I woke up one morning prior, I thought, for some reason, that I was going to be 48. I sort of panicked for a minute. I really thought I was going to be 48 and was stewing about had happened to that one year. Was I really going to be that old? I quick did the math and starting breathing again. 

       The other situation was when I stopped into the Tama State Bank in the late 1990's in Marshalltown, Iowa. As I was making out a deposit slip, I wrote the date as "1974!" To this day I don't know why I did that. It is not worth hiring a Shrink! I suppose if those are the worst situations that can happen to me over three score and ten, then I'm lucky! 

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