Monday, November 7, 2016


       With the Presidential election only one day away, it reminded me of something I could do with some proficiency. When I was a younger man I could start at least with Franklin D. Roosevelt and recite all the Presidents right up to the present and I also could match the years they were elected and their length in office. Keep in mind that we added a view Presidents in the last 20 or 30 years since I could rattle them off!

       No, I couldn't name the vice-presidents , necessarily, or the middle names of them all and other trivia. But, now I have to write them all down and have to stop and think about if one or two were in for one or two terms. I am sure if given some kind of test on Presidents, I would do above average. One thing I was never good at was naming the Presidents by number. For some reason I never learned or it didn't sink in that, for example, Obama is the 44th President!

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