Saturday, November 12, 2016


      A lady came back into the Burg Grocery yesterday and couldn't remember what she had done with her cell phone. After checking around the store, and her car, she went home and evidently found it in her home somewhere. 

       I remember going through a period when I was much, much younger, that it seemed I was always losing my comb that I carried around in my hip pocket. Even though losing the cheap plastic thing was not a big deal, it was the principle of the thing. Sometimes, I found myself looking in places that made no sense and even in coat pockets that I hadn't worn for months. It would drive me nuts!

        I used to worry then that as I got older my memory would get worse and I would really be in trouble with losing things. First, I don't carry a comb anymore and I actually have become better at putting things in THEIR place when at home. Second, when I was much younger I got into the habit of making lists--- Daily To Do  list, Grocery list and my Writing List. Keeping a To Do list and keeping it ongoing has always worked well for me. Whether in business or personal as you think of something just add it to the list. It is written down and you won't forget it. If you don't get around to doing it today it will  be there tomorrow. 

       After my cell phone slipped out of my pocket, fell under my seat at a movie theater and had to fetch an employee` with a flash-light, I think through where stuff is in my various pockets before doing something like that again. As we get older, we just need to figure out ways to beat Mother Nature!  

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