Tuesday, November 15, 2016


        It came yesterday afternoon around 4:30 PM. I finally gave in and purchased a Laz-E-Boy recliner. For a number of years and at least since living here in Williamsburg, I have tried to make a small inexpensive couch due for the thing I used to watch TV and nap. 

        Prior to that and living in Marshalltown, I had a fairly large sectional that suited me just great and was a great hub for grand-kids and those visiting. By down-sizing into a smaller home` and living room, I no longer had that luxury. I was always like Dagwood Bumsted and was comfortable napping on the couch.

        We'll see how this works out. Last night I sat very comfortably in my new chair for at least an hour before getting a little edgy. I guess if I really want to take a nap I can always go to my bedroom and really get some` good Z'zzzzz! I always said when I was a younger man that when you got a Laz-E-Boy you were finally considered old. Welcome Dennis!

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