Tuesday, November 1, 2016


        When I was a very younger man, I always said that I would never get a Laz-E Boy type chair or lounge as it represented something that you got when you got older. All through the years, I either purchased a down filled straight chair with an ottoman or for years had a sectional and laid down while watching TV. 

        What has changed my thinking now is that I live in a small home and only have had room for a couch. It has been very uncomfortable and I just feel it is time to change. My next question is whether to buy a brand new chair or find one used to make sure that this is what I want to do before thinking of spending big money on a new one. 

        One thing I still don't do now that I am older is count out change from my plastic coin purse like old men do. I will never go to that extreme. When I start counting out those coins, I know the end is near!


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