Thursday, November 17, 2016


       While helping out a lady with her groceries this past week, somehow the topic got around to politics. Surprise! Surprise! She mentioned that-- "Old white men were just not ready to elect a woman!"

         I just smiled and gave her my usual "Thank You!" and went back in the store. Make no mistake, I was no Hillary Clinton fan, but, this old white man could have voted for a woman. Just not this woman. Besides, even though I was not in love with the messenger- Donald Trump, it was time for a big change in the way things were getting done, or not done, in Washington.

        I always think of Margaret Thatcher who was Prime Minister during the 1980's. Now she was my type of woman to lead a country-strong! Maybe there are some "old white guys" that can't handle a woman as President of this country, but, not this guy! 


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