Monday, November 7, 2016


         It was my job in the fall to wash windows. At what age this ritual started, I'm not sure. Only the lower windows were dealt with. Wood storms on in the fall, wood framed screens then stored back in the basement. In the Spring, the reverse. Mostly, vinegar and water and rags were used after being hosed off to eliminate cobwebs and dust. They were very heavy, but, I never remember breaking one window.

      Three things came out of fall window cleaning. One, to this day, Fall is my favorite season. Of course it was always a beautiful day when doing them. Two, I still enjoy doing windows and looking through a perfectly clean one and imagining that you're looking at a lovely scene without the window there. 

        Three, on those Saturdays, warm and crisp, set up on the west side of our house, I listened to the Iowa Hawkeyes on my blue portable radio. Life couldn't have been better. Just me and Jim Zable, the voice of the Hawkeyes, on WHO radio.

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