Saturday, November 5, 2016


     No wonder in later years I owned and operated a residential cleaning service. It seemed as a I was growing up in a huge old farm house, that was all we ever did was clean. I'm not sure if we did it twice a year, but, we did clean the basement and attic at least once a year.

       One thing I remember was going to nearby Laurel and purchasing a sweeping compound that had an red oily base to soak up the dust and dirt on the floors. We bought a lot of that stuff. I bet no one had a cleaner and as neat a basement and attic as we had in at least 3 counties! 

      Remember, a lot of basements were just dirt floors and not poured concrete like ours. It was also the complete size of the entire house. Same for the attic. It was nailed down wide wood plank flooring. As aside note from our attic we could see the Court House in Newton decorated at Christmas over 20 miles away. 

       There was a small attic on top of the main attic. I never remember going up there or why it was designed that way. I always wish I would have somehow as it would have been quite a view!

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