Saturday, November 26, 2016


      Wednesday morning a customer came back in to the Burg Grocery and announced that his car had been stolen out of the parking lot! The high-school clerk behind the courtesy counter grabbed the phone book and started looking for the telephone number of the police department. I casually mentioned to him that this probably qualified for 911! Dah! 

      In the meantime, the customer had already called 911 and the police were on their way. Being a carry-out guy, I was able to go outside and keep abreast of what was happening. Evidently, two cars were parked right beside each other that were the same make, year and color. 

        The police did come and knew that the "other" car was owned by someone locally and that maybe there as just a mix-up. In addition, both cars were new enough and did not require keys to start them. After a long wait,a young lady brought the "taken car" back. 

       She was a grand-daughter of the owner and was back visiting from college. Somehow the grand-parents or who knows figured it out that it was not their car! But, what were the odds of that happening-two cars parked side by side with the same color, same year, same make and model? It did provide a little excitement for this "Mayberry" for a moment!



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