Saturday, August 13, 2016


       A few years ago I gave one of my classes on "Motivating Seniors to Write, at the Tama  Genealogy Society in Tama, Iowa. At the time I had put together a book on several of my Personal and Family Related Short Stories. 

       A lady came up to me after my talk was completed to ask some questions. She also browsed through my book. She immediately let me know, while putting the book down, that she would never read my writings because they had no pictures. 

      My first thought was "What are back to Dick and Jane?" Are we to the point where we can't  read anything unless it has pictures. Another lady made that comment at the Burg Grocery recently. The only reason I haven't added pictures to some of my material on my Blog is because I haven't learned HOW to put them on. I have no smart phone and there are added steps to put stuff on the Blog first! Give me time, I will get it figured out with someone's help. In the meantime, I can concentrate on the writing aspect which I truly enjoy!


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