Sunday, August 14, 2016


       Times have changed even the way we take photos. We have gone from taking pictures of loved ones and vacations with cameras that had "film" where you take 12,24, or 36 shots and then would take the film in to a location to be "developed."

          Many,  many years ago, I owned a Minolta 35 mm camera with along distance zoom, wide angle lens, and a power wind for taking photos with rapid speed. I considered myself an amateur/wannabee professional photographer. When taking photos of people I always made sure I was in close, but not too close. Photos of objects, I made sure that before taking the shot, I edged the shot with a tree limb or something to make that photo interesting.

       Today, even with most vacation photos and pictures of loved ones being taken with "smart phones"one thing has still not changed. We still have not learned how to take a good photo! If we are on vacation we seem to think that all that is important is to take a shot of ourselves with someone, a "Selfie,"  where we are vacationing and being able to the object of your trip in the far distance. Let me see it too! Closer! 

       Maybe it is just me, but, for most of you I am happy that you are somewhere really cool and am also happy to see your picture and with a drink in your hands. But, stop and give some thought to taking a better picture of some of the neat places you are visiting. I always hate seeing a sunset and some water with an empty beach. Boring! Put a palm tree in there with something or somebody. If these are your memories to be viewed later, I feel sorry for you. 

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