Saturday, August 20, 2016


       Yogi Berra's famous saying--"deja vu all over again" applied this past week for me. I went to Des Moines and stayed the night with friends Jerry and Judy Roberts and included a Tuesday visit with old classmate, Bob, Baker, in Norwalk. Of course, I had to eat just once at my favorite eatery, Tasty Taco's. I even went out and had a dish of "the best" onion rings at Mama Lacona's restaurant and while there visited with my daughter, La Risa, who is employed there. 

      My intentions, just like last year, was to attend the Iowa State Fair. The difference was last year the entire day it was raining. This year my excuse was after a full evening and day, I would come back and attend the Fair on Thursday. Not quite. The temperature was in the 90's and with heavy humidity. Oh, well! The one big thing I do look forward to is having a Gizmo sandwich at Carl's behind the Administration Building and by the Bill Riley Stage. There will always be next year and besides I have attended the Fair too many times to remember! PS. I can make that Gizmo almost as good!

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