Thursday, August 4, 2016


      Sometimes you just have to "bite the bullet" and do what is best for you and not because of looks. In this case my feet were at issue. Since working at the Burg Grocery, it has been getting harder and harder on my feet walking and standing 6-7 hours, three days a week, on concrete floors. 

      I have tried a little better type of tennis shoe that looked good and stylish, but, just wasn't getting the job done. At night. after work, my feet were really yelling at me. So, while in Marshalltown this week,  I decided it was time to take some real action. 

     I stopped into the Brown's Shoe Fit Company store on Main Street. I told the young guy, C. J., what I needed. After trying on three different brands and styles,if that is what you want to call them, and decided on a black pair of leather shoes-New Balance.

      They really feel good with better than average support, I guess. A little pricey by my standard-$80-90 range. The first day I wore them was yesterday and they passed the test. Hopefully they will work out in the long run. Whatever that means when you are 72! Just never thought I would get to that stage when comfort trumped style. Yep! There goes that old guy "old as dirt" with his "old as' dirt" looking shoes to match.

         I know a lot of you are saying that there is something out there for me! Maybe at Christmas, I'll step it up, no pun intended, and look for style and comfort and be ready to spend more. If a young teenager can find something cool for $150 then maybe there is something out there for an old guy with a little pazazz! 

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