Tuesday, August 9, 2016


      Looking around while waiting for our food at the Haverhill Social Club, I was reminded of days spent in many a bar and nightclub in my younger days. One thing for the better today is the lack of all the smoke that went hand in hand with drinking in establishments like this. If you were a smoker, I was, you didn't have any concern for other patrons who didn't smoke, little lone the servers or what it was doing to the surfaces in the interior of the establishments. 

        One could smoke anywhere. I was always smoking at work. You didn't give it thought to smoking at home and around your spouse or children. And, stranger yet, no one ever seemed to complain or at least much. Even at a football game you could sit there and smoke away, blowing smoke on other fans around you. 

         The funniest one always seemed to be the smoking and no smoking sections in an airplane. You could be in a smoking section and the guy in the seat just ahead of you could be in the no smoking section. Really stupid! Thank goodness for laws of today. Although, I ran into a restaurant this Spring in Wyoming that allowed smoking. The smell was atrocious little lone the smoke! No thank you! 

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