Sunday, August 28, 2016


     Times have obviously changed including our more leisurely way we wear clothes. We see it even at what we wear in attending church. Jeans and T-shirts are more common than a suit, white shirt, and tie. 

       My life style has changed from what it was years ago as I now am semi-retired and have no need to dress more formally most of he time. Actually, I have boxed what ties I have remaining so that someday my grand-kids can have a few chuckles. 

        But, I still like to wear a pressed shirt straight from the cleaners. I am not sure what I will do if the Cleaners in Marengo ever closes. I do own an iron and know how to press a shirt or a pair of pants if I have to. My biggest problem is what to wear or purchase for a big family wedding coming up in October in Chicago! It will give me something to work on!

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