Tuesday, August 23, 2016


       Here is something I won't do again. Some time ago I put a small amount of cash that I had received and tucked it under some envelopes in my top desk drawer. This past week I was looking for something and to my pleasant surprise was this hidden gift. I have off and on through the years have attempted to stash a little cash away for whatever reason. 

     Never again! If I want to accumulate a little cash for any reason, I'll just put it in a very obvious place. You hear of too many stories of older people stashing cash and relatives finding money all over the place. Years ago,when I had my cleaning service in Marshalltown, one of my employees found $1,000 in $100 bills tucked behind a photo stand on a dresser in a bedroom.  Moral of the story is let the ATM machine keep your money!  

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