Tuesday, August 23, 2016


       There is a couple that comes in to the Burg Grocery on a frequent basis that has a lot of people talking in a good way. They always seem to be holding hands and very caring and attentive of one another. So yours truly asked them this past week was how long they had been married. The answer surprised me as they responded that they had been married 27 years.

I told them that was a pleasant surprise and so nice to see that open affection between a couple in this day and age and maybe any time. It would not have surprised me and would have made a large bet that they probably had met on some dating web-site recently.

          I did mention that I had an aunt and uncle, my uncle Paul and aunt Mary Laverty, that always seemed to be so much in love and seemed to always be showing it. It was just something I remember picking up as a young kid. It is refreshing to see!

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