Wednesday, August 3, 2016


       The other night I was watching a show on FOX News. They were interviewing young people and showing them flash cards with pictures of past Presidents. Very few knew who Ronald Reagan or the likes of Jimmy Carter were by sight. Sad and pathetic.

      It reminded me that at one time I could start with at least FDR Roosevelt and rattle off every President with the year elected up until the present. So, after I watched that show, I tried to go through them after I had gone to bed. I laid there and realized that I couldn't go through the list like I used to. I actually had to stop and think about other things that were significant at the time to relate. A couple of Presidents I had to think hard if they were in for one or two terms. 

      Maybe it is good that I can still go through the list of Presidents even without my "when I was a younger man" speed! Maybe the important thing is to keep going over them from time` to time. A lot of these tests you see on Facebook are good ways to test your memory skills. One that did make me feel good was a geography quiz that was a blank map of the USA. I was able to identify the states by site. I guess it is true that "If you don't use it you will lose it!" 

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