Monday, August 8, 2016


      Driving back from the Laurel area Sunday after visiting with my cousin Alan Laverty, I turned on the radio and was listening to my XM 50's station. One of the first songs was one by the Playmates called "Beep Beep!"

       The song is about a race between a Cadillac and  a Nash Rambler. The premise of the song is that it is a race, so you think between the two cars. Of course, the Cadillac can't possibly be beaten by a little old Nash. All the way up 120 MPH when the Rambler pulls along side the Cadillac and the guy asks how to get it out of second gear.

      I always loved that song because my best friend in high school, Rick Patterson, always drove his dad's Nash Rambler around and even though it was never though to be as cool as Chevy or Ford, maybe, his dad had worked the engine over and that car was a real sleeper. Other-words, it could move out. Any body that raced Rick was always in for a real surprise! PS Check out "Beep Beep" if you get a chance. The song is really a stitch!

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