Friday, August 26, 2016



       Still in the first quarter, Hornet quarterback Jim Latham pulled a good fake, then gave it to Campbell, who skirted right end and scored from 37 yards out. This time, his bonus point attempt failed. Laurel settled for a 13-0 advantage for the first quarter of play, but the Hornets doubled the margin by half-time.

      Fullback Larry Murphy, the third prong in the effective Laurel attack, got the third touchdown on a nine-yard spurt and Laverty added the point-after to make it 20-0. Scant minutes later, Laverty set up another Laurel touchdown with his brilliant return of a Baxter punt which he fielded on his own 32 and raced 63 yards to the Baxter five. Three plays later Laverty plunged over from the 2. Campbell was short on this extra point run.

      In the third period the Hornets were allowed only three plays from scrimmage but that was two more than Campbell needed. On the third of those, he charged straight through the middle of the line and squirmed past all Baxter backfield defenders to score on a brilliant 39-yard dash. He also counted the extra point to complete all third quarter scoring.

       Baxter did all the rest of the playing in that quarter but never was able to punch over the payline. After Laurel had scored and then kicked off to the Bulldogs, the visitors labored with19 plays, driving from their own 20 through three first downs to make it to the Laurel 27 where they yielded the ball on downs just as the quarter ended.

       Campbell came up with his 45 yard jewel on the ensuing series of plays. He broke around right end with the help of brilliant blocking, and two idle blockers were left over to accompany him unneeded to the goal line. Laverty added this extra point to end Laurel's scoring at a 40-0 advantage.

      Pyle's perfect pass for the Baxter touchdown came after he had taken a pitchout from Altemeier. He threw it long and straight  into the arms of Flora who was behind all defenders and outran them to the end zone. Pyle darted over for the unimportant bonus point.

Laurel Lineups:

Ends:-Tracy Miiller, Bruce Scnelle, Alan Laverty, Calvin Lyle, Danny Osborne

Tackles: Ed Matya, Mike Stineman, Larry Eibs, Dale Erwin

Guards: Ben Wunn, Tom Schollenbarger, Dave Anderson, LaVerne Paul.

Center: Jerry Roberts

Backs: Gary Campbell, Jim Latham, Dennis Laverty, Larry Murphy, Gary Brindle, Hal Murphy 


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