Monday, August 8, 2016


     Sunday I drove to Laurel and attended church services with my sister Doris at the United Methodist Church. It was communion Sunday and I always enjoy the service there with the minister Scott Lothe. 

       After the service Doris and I drove to Haverhill for lunch at the Haverhill Social Club. It is in the location where Blum's Grocery and Tavern was located for many years. I had not been there since the late 1990's when Blum's ran it.

        This new place is not what you would ever expect in this small town 10 miles south and west of Marshalltown. The expression "If you build it they will come" applies. It is this open, rustic, large, sports bar and restaurant theme. Their pizza is their specialty as I understand  it, although this particular Sunday they were not serving it. I had a gourmet hot-dog with so heavy in condiments that it was awkward to lift. But, oh so delicious! Doris had a tenderloin sandwich and I heard no complaints. 

      There was so much about this place that I liked and really don't exactly know why. I hope to return again soon and give that pizza, that everyone has been raving about, a try!  If "That Place" near Conrad can do well and out in the sticks, why not another good eatery. They have built it and I think they will keep coming as long as the food and value is good!  

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