Thursday, August 4, 2016


       After stopping in to the Chevrolet Dealer the other day in Marengo, to set up an appointment for a service check, I was reminded of a time when buying an automobile was exciting. Not like today, where you walk in to one of these mega auto dealers with 1000's to choose from and simply pick one out.

 No, I am talking about when auto dealers only had a few "Demo's" for you to test drive and go from there. I am talking about back in the 1950's & 60's when you ordered what you wanted and waited two or three weeks.

      At a time when I can remember, my folks would go to the Chevrolet Dealer in Newton, Iowa, Hawkeye Chevrolet, for purchasing and servicing of their cars. Back then you would decide what type, color, model, and etc. you wanted and then it would be ordered from the factory in, presumably, Detroit. Then you waited.

     When the dealer called and said your new car was in, you couldn't get there fast enough. It was almost as good as Christmas. Going to the dealership and seeing that brand new shiny auto sitting there was quite a thrill. All that chrome and metal. And that smell! Wow! They never have been able to bottle that fragrance. What a great experience!~   

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