Thursday, August 4, 2016


     In helping a lady out with her groceries Monday, I made note about her new plastic trash container laying in the back of her vehicle. She said that after 40 years of using the same one, she thought it time for a new one. Besides, the` old one was "that green color" from the 1970's. I commented that maybe she should clean it up and take it to the local antique store and maybe they would buy it. Ha!

       She indicated that she would probably hang on to it because "you never know!" It seemed like I used to hear that a lot from my step-dad, Maurice Korte. He was that frugal, German, Depression era, kind of guy. So that was just the way it was.

        I have told the story how that kind of thinking backfired one time. He was going to town to get a nut or bolt for something. It was funny in that he had what he wanted somewhere in the many coffee cans where he kept such things. None were marked! End of story!   

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