Tuesday, August 23, 2016


        I learned a valuable lesson growing up from my mother. We had a uncle on her side of the family who lived above the Washer Cafe in Newton, Iowa. His name was Bill Schultz and in later years of his life he live`d in this small dingy dark apartment what was actually over a tavern or bar. He was an alcoholic.

        I remember as a kid, that on an occasion, my mother would go down and have him come and stay with us on our farm for a period of time. She didn't forget him even though there was nothing to gain from looking after him except that he was family and that was what you did.

         Years later when my Grandma Smith was residing at the Southridge nursing home in Marshalltown, I visited her many times. Again, she had nothing to offer monetarily, but, she was family and deserved respect and dignity. She was so special and I loved her so. Besides, she was very sharp in her memory of events and people at her 95 years. 

       She was an avid Chicago Cubs fan and she could put any fan to shame with her knowledge of Cub Stats. All I could do was sit there and let her inform me of various batting averages and trade deals with Cubs players. 

         Even my own mother, I was so fortunate to have been with her the night she passed away and had played a hot game of Pepper which she dearly loved to play. The lesson of giving will always serve you well. If you have a loved one or dear friend that could use your caring, get going before it is to late!  

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