Tuesday, August 4, 2015


      The other day I was telling someone that I had just watched the fourth game of a series between my Chicago Cubs and Milwaukee and the Cubs won all four games. However, in my mentioning the game I referred to Milwaukee as the Braves. I was immediately corrected even though the person I was visiting with was not a baseball fan. I knew better, but, I am old enough to remember when Milwaukee was the Braves many years ago before moving to Atlanta.

      One time during the late 1990's I recall an incident at a bank and I wrote a deposit slip and put the days date and the year 1972! Why? I have no clue. It's little stuff like that that makes you wonder if the end is near or when stuff like that happens, you just think about it more because you are closer to going out! At least I didn't call them the Boston Braves. 

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