Saturday, August 15, 2015


      There was an article recently in USA about the glut of scripted TV series today compared to years past. The choices of programs, sources, schedules, and devices seem to be multiplying almost each day.

      All the original series on various cable stations seems to be coming out at a pace that is difficult to keep up with. Right now I am watching some of the early series of the Soprano's which was originally an HBO production. Boardwalk Empire is another one I have enjoyed.

     It's hard to find now good network shows that compare with the cable productions and yet it is hard to find all the cable shows, their times, and frankly just keeping up with all that is coming out. Like everything too many choices!

     Back in the old days, it was nice to know that a particular show like I Love Lucy was on at a particular time and night of the week. The next day is was fun to discuss that episode with friends or co-workers. Not today. Someone may have never heard of The Soprano's, and, if so, they may be on a totally different year, episode, or series. I am thinking seriously of going back to reading!

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