Saturday, August 1, 2015


     I have always enjoyed multiple choice questions in tests. When in school I would rather have maybe a "was it A,B,C, or maybe D." When I was in college, I had a Economics professor that liked a 7 or 8 part multiple choice test. That was too many.

     It's  like now with the Presidential line up on just the Republican side. Too many choices. I would just like three or maybe four to choose from. I guess if we can have too many cereal choices then why not our politicians!

     One of them I plan on eliminating is Rand Paul. Have you checked his hair out lately. What's with all those spit curls all slicked up or down. It's creepy. Reminds me of the first time I saw sea weed laying on the Pacific ocean shore in southern California. There were all kinds of little sea urchins coming out of it. So long Rand. Based on hair Donald Trump, hopefully, won't make the final A,B,C, or D! 


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