Saturday, August 22, 2015


      This past week I had all good intentions of attending the Iowa State Fair. I was planning on staying the night with good friends, Jerry and Judy Roberts in Urbandale and the following evening making a swing through the fair.

      It didn't work out exactly as planned, but, actually better. Monday evening the three of us dined at one of my favorite eateries from days gone by -Maxie's in West Des Moines. The following morning Jerry and I had a mid morning breakfast at The Waveland Cafe in Des Moines. It is THE place for a good breakfast in the Metro area and has been serving up great food for decades. 

     And last but not least a late lunch on my favorite food item a taco at Tasty Taco's. Again, I can't explain why they are so good, but, they just are! 

     All the above and spending time with classmates and friends, Jerry and Bob Baker, dating back to kindergarten couldn't be beat! Besides, it rained hard most of the day Tuesday! It always works out it seems!

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