Saturday, August 1, 2015


     I never used to pay much attention to the type of peaches until working at our local grocery store. Someone was always talking about a Michigan peach, Georgia peach or maybe a California peach. For some reason this year I finally paid attention when the talk started about the Missouri peach.

      At first I purchased just a few and left them in the bag and a dark place to ripen a little more. Oh My! Some on my morning cereal! You bet. Then, I googled up a recipe from Taste of Home- Easy fresh peach cobbler.

      That old expression to die for I changed to live for! I just made my third pan full in 3 days. When I told Ilah what the menu would be for last night's dinner, she said we were out of the Cobbler. As of right this second maybe, but, not by tonight! They are sooooo good!

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