Saturday, August 29, 2015


      Someone is always apologizing at the Burg Grocery for parking so far away, but, that when they came all the parking spots up close were taken. I always reply that it is called "they come in bunches theory!"

      It always reminds me when I was in Marshalltown Junior College back in the 1960's and working part time at Nichol's and Green shoe store on Main Street. One of my jobs was to re-stock the shoes after a customer had come to try on various models before purchasing.

      Sometimes on a Saturday afternoon there would be this lull and then all of a sudden this  hoard of women would storm the front door. It was as if they all just got let off a bus that was passing by. Then, within the hour or less, there would be this mass of shoes laying all around the store just like some major military battle had just taken place!

       Of course, it was my job to bring the store back to some sort of normalcy. That picture of all those women coming in that front door has never left my memory! 



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