Tuesday, August 4, 2015


      This past week-end, we attended a dinner party at a fellow employee's home in honor of a foreign exchange student who was going back home after a year stay here in Iowa. The host family put on a "spread" that was a feast in Iowa fashion. Several types of meats, sweet corn, potato salad, many salads, including my favorite a raspberry jello salad of some type.

     I wanted to keep adding more goodies and also wanted to go back again for a few seconds. My brain said yes and my stomach said no. When I was a younger man, it would have been no problem.

      Then what was also funny was that the young female  classmates of the exchange student were only putting very small portions on their plates. It wouldn't be polite to take too much and besides one must watch their waist lines at that age, I guess. 

     What a shame. All that yummy food and this old guy and all those young ladies couldn't take advantage even if it was for different reasons. Life just isn't fair sometimes. 

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